Auction calendar

No. Type End Start Consignment Status
5001 DWI 4. December 25. November Aftersale
1552 Stamps without consignment 10. December 4. December Aftersale
3031 Coins and banknotes with consignment 11. December 29. November 13. November Aftersale
4022 Model trains with consignment 11. December 5. December Aftersale
382 Stamps with consignment 17. December 11. December 6. December Running
4023 Model trains with consignment 27. December 19. December Upcoming
1553 Stamps without consignment 30. December 18. December Upcoming
383 Stamps with consignment 7. January 30. December 23. December Upcoming
1554 Stamps without consignment 14. January 8. January Upcoming
4024 Model trains with consignment 15. January 9. January Upcoming
3032 Coins and banknotes with consignment 15. January 27. December 11. December Upcoming
384 Stamps with consignment 21. January 15. January 10. January Upcoming
1555 Stamps without consignment 28. January 22. January Upcoming
4025 Model trains with consignment 29. January 23. January Upcoming

The date-format is: day, month. We receive consignments for weekly auctions at any time. There's no deadline for these.

All our auctions begin around noon and end 6:00 PM. eller 7.00 PM, unless ongoing bidding has extended the time.

Stamps with previewing/Monthly auction

Held every fourth week. Monthly auctions (stamps) offer single objects, large and small blocks, collections and misc. unsorted boxes. Lots can be previewed at our shop on Saturdays between 10.00 AM - 1.00 PM and Monday and Tuesday between 10.00 AM - 5.00 PM (except holidays).

Stamps without previewing/Weekly auction

Weekly auctions are held every other week and lots can only be viewed on this site. Therefore we only offer objects as single, large or small blocks.

Coins and notes

Held every forth week. Previewing is at our shop Monday and Tuesday leading up to the auction, 10.00AM-5.00PM, both days (except holidays).

Model trains

Held every forth week. Previewing is at our shop Monday and Tuesday leading up to the auction, 10.00AM-5.00PM, both days (except holidays).

Auction catalogue

Printed auction catalogues can be picked up from our shop. We do not post mail them anymore, due to new postal service rules.